No matter how trapped you feel, God can rescue you!

There are no situations too tough, or too far gone for God to provide a way out. Do you believe He wants to free you and heal you?

He does. 

But we must turn away from the world and run to Him. No matter how you got where you are, there is HOPE for you and YOU can have the beautiful life that was meant for you by your creator, our Heavenly Father.

You're not too dirty, you're not too guilty, and you're never beyond His power or ability or His heart.

Don't let your emotions and feelings define you. God LOVES you as you are now and sees what you CAN become!

Call out to Him. Send up your SOS to God, and He will come for you in your darkest hour and rescue you from any pit you may find yourself in. 

"I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me find Me." (Proverbs 8:17)

Listen to this song and let it to speak to you. We would love to help you in many ways (services are free). Contact us @ 770-569-3375.

Let us help in your rescue!

