Rescuing the Broken. Bringing them Home.

85% of sexually exploited women entered the industry through coercion. 95% of them were sexually abused at home and have never known what it is to have a loving, safe environment in which to grow and live. They are lost both socially and spiritually and often have known a certain brokenness very few people outside “the game” experience.

Knowing God’s heart for women such as these, Path2Hope launched a special project back in 2014 called Redeeming Hope that is dedicated to finding these hurting women and ushering them into a new life filled with God’s love.

At Redeeming Hope, we search for the women society would like to ignore and forget. Then, we connect them to God’s love and any other resources they might need. Those which the World says are lost forever, we say are just one call away from a new beginning.

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